NKR: We’ll Have Old And Modern Shoushi


NKR Government Information And
Public Relations Department
April 05, 2010

On April 3, a regular out session of the Government was convened in
Shoushi. The agenda included account of the head of Shoushi regional
administration on works done in 2009. According to the data proposed
by head of the regional administration Georgy Hayriyan, the year of
2009 yielded poor results, especially, in the sphere of law machinery.

The number of criminal offences increased against that detected. We
have no desired results in the sphere of agriculture; year by year
cattle population is diminished. Pledge of success, according to the
head of the Government, is in effective work.

Achievements in field of construction, healthcare, education, culture
and sport are evident. Resettlement in the region is in process; in
2009, 10 families got the status of migrants. The number of unemployed
decreased, as compared with the previous year. 41 persons got fixed
up in a job.

AMD 315,95mln investment was made by of state budget means.

State assistance will be continued. We’ll spare no efforts for having
old and modern Shoushi,-assured the Premier. Streets, cultural and
educational institutions, multiple-dwellings will be reconstructed;
inner water-supply system will be built up by "Hayastan" all-Armenian
From: Baghdasarian