Armenian Genocide Recognition Becoming An Irreversible Process: Neza


Turkish Ambassador to the US Namik Tan will return to Washington
today to prepare for Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s
upcoming visit to the US where, apart from holding separate meetings,
he will participate in the World Nuclear Security Summit.

According to Russian daily Nezavisimaya Gazeta ("Independent
Newspaper"), Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan, also invited to the
same summit, is set to meet with US President Barack Obama. Besides,
a meeting among Erdogan, Sargsyan and Obama is also likely to take
place in the framework of the summit as Washington is spending all
possible efforts to ensure that Armenia-Turkey reconciliation will
not stop once and for all.

Furthermore, analyzing recent developments in Armenia-Turkey
rapprochement, the Russian publication recalls sources in Yerevan,
saying that the process of Armenian Genocide recognition by the
international community has now taken on an irreversible nature. In
turn, the sides have so far been exchanging statements, accusing
each other. These statements, according to Nezavisimaya Gazeta,
are not extremely optimistic, given recent serious developments in
Turkey; that is, through interviews with different local papers, some
local historians, attorneys, and legal experts have called on Turkish
authorities to recognize the facts of mass killings and deportations
of Armenians, that reached their climax in 1915, and put an end to
those tragic pages of Turkey’s history.

Against the backdrop of such a complex foreign and domestic situation,
Erdogan will have to hold talks with Obama, and also probably with
Sargsyan, over issues painful for Turkey. Thus, using the metaphor
of the carrot on a stick, it’s not unlikely that Erdogan may still
have to show some more carrot rather than stick.