Students Of Ararat Marz Hosted In The Open Lesson

April 8 2010

Within the framework of Open Doors policy of the National Assembly
it had already been the second day the students of the senior classes
of different schools of Ararat marz were hosted.

As during all four-day sittings on April 7 also the students had
opportunity to walk about the parliament building and to follow the
work of the four-day sittings. Later they took part in the open lesson,
which was held by RA NA Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan. Mr.

Abrahamyan informed the students about the activities of the
legislative body, the powers reserved by Constitution, the National
Assembly-government cooperation. The NA Speaker touched upon the NK
problem and the Armenian-Turkish relations’ normalization process,
issues pertaining to the foreign and inner policy. Mr. Abrahamyan noted
that due to undertaken steps the parliament-society relation has been
activated and it became closer, more open and transparent. The head
of the parliament stressed that the legislative body, being elected
by the people with its working activity should promote the adoption of
bills emanating from the people’s interests and stabilizing the social
situation. Mr. Abrahamyan also touched upon the efforts of the state
aimed at overcoming the consequences of the global financial-economic
crisis. In his conviction we should fight against crisis with united
forces for having positive indices in 2010, and Mr. Abrahamyan sees
those opportunities.

Then a warm and close conversation was held between the NA Speaker and
students, during which the head of the parliament gave clarifications
to numerous issues concerning them. The students of the schools of
Ararat marz were interested in the inner and foreign policy of the
country, social, economic, educational, ecological spheres, overcoming
the financial-economic crisis, ratification of the protocols and as
a result of which, issues pertaining to the possible achievements
of Armenia.

The students and teachers thanked the NA Speaker for the meeting,
noting that this was a peculiar step to make the young generation
know about the state processes. They stressed that Hovik Abrahamyan
permanently had supported the schools and socially vulnerable
families. Mr. Abrahamyan recorded that the mentioned support would
be continuous.