Baku Disagrees To Hold A Concert Featuring Armenian Composers’ Works


April 8, 2010 AMT

Yerevan’s National Academic Theater theaters resumed "Musa Ler"
performance. It was attended by over 900 school students in one day
and over 3000 in a month, proving students’ increased interest to
the theater.

The opening ceremony of an exhibition of works by finalists of 2009
Armenian President’s Youth Prizes competition in Fine Arts and Cinema
took place in the Artists’ Union of Armenia on Tuesday, March 30.

"We organize this competition jointly with Boghossian Foundation for
the third year. In 2010, 53 young people participated in it with 250
works, out of which the jury selected 19. 63 works were presented for
the final stage. During the exhibition, the jury will select the best
works, the authors of which will take part in the awarding ceremony
due on May 13, 2010," Aida Khachatryan, assistant to the director of
Hayastan All-Armenian Fund, said in her opening remarks.

"It is too important to gain such an honorable prize in youth.

Besides, the competition has another positive aspect, i.e. the
participants can submit their works on a theme and in a style they
choose themselves, there aren’t any restraints," added Galents Saro,
a member of the competition’s jury and lecturer of Yerevan State
Art Academy.

There were nine participants in the painting competition, three in
graphics, four in sculpture and photography, design and cinema sectors
were represented by one participant in each.

* "The feature film "Anton Chekhov" should become a film which will
represent Armenia abroad: in Russia, Europe, and may be in America,"
the film director Armen Ronov told a press conference on April 1.

According to him, representatives of 4 countries Armenia, Russia,
France and Ukraine work on the film.

"We have been working on the project half a year. This subject is
very interesting for both Armenia and Russia, Europe and the world,"
Vladimir Msryan, People’s Artist of Armenia, who plays the role of
Anton Chekhov said. He said the original script of the film tells
the life story of the Russian classics.

Armen Ronov also stressed that apart from cultural values, the film
can also be a cash and profits for Armenia, as well as above it will
work producers from four countries.

The shooting of "Anton Chekhov" will begin in September and October
2010 and will last about a year, post-production will take another
year, and then the audience will see the final result.

"We expect support from the governments of Armenia, Russia, France,
patrons, cinema and other companies,"Armen Ronov said. * "Performance
of Azerbaijani composer in Armenia would be an affront to national
dignity of the Armenian people, since no organization in Azerbaijan
agreed to organize the same concert in Baku. Aquatuor and pre-art
groups agreed to submit the program without the work of Azerbaijani
composer, since convergence implies willingness of all parties,
general manager of Perspectives XXI festival Sona Hovhannisyan told
to Pan.ARMENIAN.NET. The Convergence project is held in frames
of Perspectives XXI International Music Festival on April 2. The
project organizes concerts of contemporary classical music from 10
countries: Armenia, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Latvia, Macedonia,
Belarus, Uzbekistan, Turkey and Azerbaijan performed by Aquatuor
and pre-art Swiss groups. In Yerevan the concert will be held at
the House of Chamber Music after Komitas. * Armenian duduk virtuoso
Jivan Gasparyan is ready to represent Armenia at Eurovision 2010 with
Eva Rivas . As Jivan Gasparyan told a news conference in Yerevan,
the final decision depends on the singer and her team. "On May 22,
I contracted a concert in Italy with the famous composer, however,
if the singer and my country will benefit from my participation,
I am ready to go to Norway," he said.

Following the national selection of Eurovision Song Contest in Armenia,
22-year-old singer Eva Rivas from Rostov-on-Don with the song "Apricot
stone" (music by Armen Martirosyan, words by Karen Kavaleryan) will
represent Armenia at Eurovision 2010. According to the draw, Armenia,
Turkey, Ukraine, Denmark, Israel, Lithuania, Sweden, Switzerland,
Georgia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Jordan, Netherlands, Romania,
Azerbaijan and Slovenia will perform in the second semifinal of the
Eurovision Song Contest in Oslo, which will be held on May 27. The
first semifinal of the musical contest will be held on May 25 and
the finals are scheduled for May 29. * People, capable of forming
mentalities of generations with their work, live beyond their
time. To Armenian people, famous actor Khoren Abrahamyan is one of
those persons. On April 1, Khoren Abrahamyan’s family, colleagues,
friends and admirers mark 80th birth anniversary of the actor.