PACE President Likely To Visit Armenia In May

April 14 2010

PACE President’s aspiration to resume activities of sub-commission on
Karabakh is not so understandable, the head of standing committee on
European integration and member of Armenian delegation to PACE Naira
Zohrabyan told, commenting on Mevlut Cavusoglu’s statement.

"I definitely can catch the implication of his aspiration, induced by
the Azerbaijani lobby pressure. He seeks to shift Karabakh issue from
OSCE Minsk Group to PACE. However, the point is why the issue should
be discussed within Council of Europe, while to date organization
devoted almost no attention to state of human rights or elections
in Nagorno-Karabakh," MP said, noting that Cavusoglu spoke about
sub-commission back in the course of PACE January session. According
to her, PACE President pledged to discuss the matter with heads of
Armenian and Azerbaijani delegations to PACE during the April session.

However, Zohrabyan deems that the issue should be discussed also with
delegation members as she personally has a lot to say.

MP also informed that Cavusoglu is likely to visit Armenia after
April session. The official mentioned that she prepares a report
about women rights in conflicting and post-conflicting regions to
be presented during PACE session held on April 26-30. The report
describes terrible sufferings of Armenian women and children in
Azerbaijani cities of Baku, Sumgait, Maraga in the end of 20th century.

Earlier, Mevlut Cavusoglu arrived in Azerbaijan and held meetings
with local parliament representatives, stating the necessity to set
up PACE sub-commission on Nagorno-Karabakh.