Visit of NA speaker Hovik Abrahamian to Lebanon comes to end


APRIL 15, 2010

BEIRUT, APRIL 15, NOYAN TAPAN. During his official visit to Labanon,
Speaker of the RA National Assembly Hovik Abrahamian on April 13
met with heads of political parties and community structures at the
Armenian embassy. The meeting was attended by representatives of the
Lebanese Armenian community, as well as Lebanese MPs and government
members of Armenian descent.

H. Abrahamian spoke about his meetings in Lebanon, noting that
the country’s president, prime minister, and parliamentary speaker
gave him a warm welcome. H. Abrahamian underlined the role of the
local Armenian community in this respect: the well-organized and law
abiding Lebanese Armenians are held in high esteem in Lebanon. It is
important that they are accepted and valued not only as Armenians,
but also as worthy and creative citizens of Lebanon, especially as
some of them are members of the parliament and government.

H. Abrahamian presented the Armenian leadership’s opinions about the
Armenian-Turkish relations and the Karabakh conflict.

At the reception held in the Armenian embassy and attended by foreign
diplomats accredited to Lebanon, H. Abrahamian stated in his speech
that Armenia wants to deepen its relations with Lebanon. He expressed
confidence that these links will strengthen, while pointing out the
necessity to develop economic relations and raise them to the level
of political ties which are close and warm.

The press service of the RA National Assembly reports that an action
entitled "Dialog of Cultures" took place in the yard of the Armenian
embassy: on the Lebanese soil, the Armenian artists Teni Vardanian,
Marina Dilanian and Armen Gevorgian completed a single work consisting
of 12 paintings dedicated to Armenian-Lebanese cultural ties. They
had started that work in Armenia. Hovik Abrahamian presented it to
Lebanon’s parliament and government – in token of the Armenian-Lebanese