No positive changes in Turkey’s foreign policy, expert says, Armenia
April 17 2010

No positive changes in Turkey’s foreign policy, expert says

14:46 / 04/17/2010RA President Serzh Sargsyan’s meeting with Turkish
Premier Recep Erdogan in Washington is unlikely to bring about any
changes in Turkey’s political life. That meeting must not be viewed as
one of high importance, the political analyst Yervand Bozoyan told

He pointed out that the mediator, United States, was especially
concerned with the Sargsyan-Erdogan meeting. In this context Bozoyan
stressed that the USA is doing its best for the Armenian-Turkish
normalization process to go on. `The United States is doing all in its
power for the process to remain alive de jure,’ he said. The expert
stressed that official Washington did not invite Ilham Aliyev
deliberately to neutralize the factor of Azerbaijan.

According to Bozoyan, a number of objective factors will not allow any
progress in the Armenian-Turkish process. `Turkey is setting
preconditions in both its own interests and Azerbaijan’s interests,
which is causes disagreements,’ he said. He stressed that nothing
special should be expected from the Washington meeting, as no positive
changes in Turkey’s foreign policy will take place. reminds readers that RA President Serzh Sargsyan held meetings
with Recep Erdogan and U.S. President Barack Obama on the sidelines of
the Global Nuclear Security Summit in Washington.
