Karmir Blur may be provided with a new museum building

Karmir Blur may be provided with a new museum building

2010-04-17 17:59:00

ArmInfo. Karmir Blur may be provided with a new museum building

Director of Erebouni Reserve Museum Gagik Gyurjyan said at today’s
press conference that the projects on fencing the historical monument,
construction of a parking area and a new museum building have already
been worked out. Gyurjyan said that though the key problem of
construction waste disposal is still unresolved, one managed to gain
considerable results in 2009. In particular, the Karmir Blur area
adjoining the urban cemetery was fenced thereby putting an end to
appearance of new graves in the territory of historical settlement. In
addition, the illegal gardens in the Karmir Blur area became an object
of investigation of the Prosecutor’s Office and City Hall of Yerevan.
As a result, penalty worth 400 thsd AMD was imposed on 6 citizens

By the way, Erebouni and the historical settlement of Shengavit are
also a sweet spot for those who want to launch illegal construction.
Gyurjyan said that over the recent period 4 illegal buildings were
dismantled in the Erebouni territory. It is noteworthy that
representatives of not state structures, but public organizations are
very active in settlement of some problems related to Erebouni
Reserve. It was the NGOs that efficiently responded to the problems of
Shengavit, first and foremost, disrepair of the wood building of the
museum, lack of heating, lack of constant water and sewerage.

In 1936 an Urart cuneiform with the name of King Rusa, Son of Argishti
II (7th century B.C.) was found at Karmir Blur. Regular archaeological
excavations were held here from 1939 till 1970, as a result, a citadel
was discovered on the hill, and the ruins of Teyshebaini were
discovered around the hill. The citadel was destroyed by the local
tribes, who were trying to throw off the Urart yoke, as well as by
Scythians, who joined them. Archaeologists discovered 97 cups, 11
bronze shields and other bronze articles. 20 cups and a figurine of a
winged bull are now at Hermitage, St.Petersburg.