Archbishop’s Awards to be Presented at 83rd Annual Diocesan Assembly

WD Newsletter
3325 North Glenoaks Blvd. Burbank, CA 91504
Tel: (818) 558-7474 Fax: (818) 558-6333
E-mail: [email protected]

*Burbank, CA* – Under the auspices of His Eminence
Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese
of the Armenian Church of North America, the 83nd Annual
Diocesan Assembly will be held from Wednesday, April 28 to
Saturday, May 1st, 2010 at the Diocesan Headquarters in
Burbank, California.

Plans and preparations have been underway for the 83rd
Annual Diocesan Assembly under the direction and leadership
of Dr. Vahram Biricik, Chair of the Diocesan Host
committee. Subcommittees have been formed and meetings
have been held to organize the daily sessions and events.
The Diocese will be hosting more than 250 Clergy, members of
the Ladies Central Council, and delegates from the parishes
throughout the Western Diocese.

A highlight of the 83rd Annual Diocesan Assembly will be
the Gala Banquet to be held on Friday, April 30, 2010 with
the presentation of the Archbishop’s Award by the Primate.
Recipients are recognized for their years of loyal and
steadfast dedication to their church and parish. The
Primate expressed his pride in the honorees, stating "Giving
is a virtue. All of this year’s recipients have truly
given from their hearts with a firm commitment, with love
and passion, for the strengthening of the mission of the
Western Diocese. Through the past years they have certainly
inspired many with the same vision of serving the Diocese.
We wish them well and continuing success for their future
endeavors. God Bless them."

This year two distinguished members of the Clergy will be
receiving the Archbishop’s Award; Archpriest Rev. Fr.
Arshag Khatchadourian, St. James Armenian Apostolic Church,
Los Angeles, and Archpriest Rev. Fr. Vartan Kasparian of St.
Mary Armenian Church, Yettem. Other recipients of the
award are: Rod Jorjorian, St. James Armenian Apostolic
Church Sacramento; Adrienne Krikorian, Esq., St. Peter
Armenian Church Van Nuys; Margaret Keishian Lulejian,
St. Peter Armenian Church Van Nuys; Carolon Nigosian,
Armenian Apostolic Church of the Desert; Melene Perch
Ouzounian, St. Paul Armenian Church Fresno; Deacon Stephen
A. Ovanessoff, St. Apkar Church, Scottsdale, Arizona; Dr.
Raffy A. Safarian, St. Apkar Church, Scottsdale, Arizona;
Richard R. Terzian, Esq., St. James Armenian Apostolic
Church Los Angeles; Charles J. Tateosian, St. John
Armenian Church, San Francisco; Greg Tcherkoyan, St. Vartan
Armenian Church, Oakland and Dr. Vahram Biricik, St. Mary
Armenian Church, Costa Mesa.

For the out-of-towners, the Hampton Inn, directly across
from the Western Diocese at 7501 Glenoaks Boulevard has
reserved a block of rooms for this event (1-818-768-1106) or
On Line at:
.jhtml?ctyhocn=Burbank[ m/en/hphotels/index.jhtml?ctyhocn=Burbank].

For information regarding registration, and attendance at
the 83rd Diocesan Assembly Sessions and/or the Gala Banquet,
please call the Western Diocese Offices (818) 558-7474.

The Western Diocese of the Armenian Church of North
America, providing spiritual guidance and leadership to the
Armenian Apostolic community, is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit,
tax-exempt organization comprised of more than 50 churches
in 16 western states. It was established in 1898 as the
Diocese of the Armenian Church encompassing the entire
United States and Canada. In 1927 the Western Diocese was
formed to exclusivly serve the western United States.