Once Again Baku Tries To Settle The Karabakh Conflict By Mesne, This

Karine Ter-Sahakyan

April 20, 2010

Baku is dissatisfied with everything on earth – the U.S. activity
within the OSCE Minsk Group, annual humanitarian aid extended to
Nagorno Karabakh by the United States, Turkey’s attempts to deviate
from Baku, the neutral position of Iran – in a word, with the whole

More and more frequent become Baku’s indications on replacing the
OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs. This has become especially evident after
the Washington summit, when Azerbaijan finally realized that however
important a role oil may play for Baku, it has nothing to do with
settlement of the Karabakh conflict. Moreover, Azerbaijan cannot even
proceed with blackmail and threats, as Turkey does. After the Turkish
Foreign Minister’s visit to Baku, for some unknown reason Azerbaijani
politicians concluded that Turkey is ready to undertake the role of
a mediator and regulate the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

However, as we have been repeatedly writing, the co-chair countries
would never agree to a rotation, especially if Turkey is to be the
substitute. It is just interesting who exactly Baku is determined
to replace – Russia or the United States? France is not counted, as
in this threesome she really acts as an independent mediator. Russia
and the United States are independent too, only Baku hasn’t yet been
able to realize it. Neither has she realized that in the Karabakh
settlement issue the positions of Moscow and Washington match.

Politicians of our neighboring country roughly use the following
logic: we are not friends with the U.S., but we have never had a
dispute with Russia, so Russia, Turkey and France will take our side.

Frankly speaking, this is too naïve an approach, bordering on
stupidity. For 22 years Baku has been obstinately refusing to recognize
the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh. Moreover, anti-Armenian hysteria
in Azerbaijan has reached gigantic and even grotesque dimensions. Baku
is dissatisfied with everything on earth – the U.S. activity within
the OSCE Minsk Group, annual humanitarian aid extended to Nagorno
Karabakh by the United States, Turkey’s attempts to deviate from Baku
and normalize relations with Armenia, the neutral position of Iran –
in a word, with the whole world. If we add to all of this also the
recent cautious statement by Erdogan, declaring that regulation of the
Karabakh problem is not the precondition of Turkey but the condition
of Azerbaijan which Turkey supports, it becomes clear that Ankara
will definitely be next target of hysteria for Baku.

By and large, Aliyev now can rely only on war as a solution
to all his problems. But irrespective of outcome of the war,
Baku loses. It is also interesting whether Aliyev will dare, for
the sake of preserving the power of his clan, to force a direct
confrontation with the international community. It is natural that
for the sake of power one is ready to take even the worst steps,
but in this particular case Aliyev loses everything. Nevertheless,
the ruling New Azerbaijan Party (Yeni AzE~Yrbaycan Partiyası, YAP)
in the run-up to the local elections in Azerbaijan decided to fall
back into its old ways, by calling its people to war and refreshing
hatred towards the Armenians. Oddly enough, the method still works.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairman and Executive Secretary of the New
Azerbaijan Party Ali Ahmedov declared: "It should be noted with regret
that a number of countries in the world, including some of the states
that have undertaken the mission of mediation, either find it difficult
to display fair stance in this process or at a certain stage are
unable to demonstrate resoluteness at the time of important decisions."

As Azeri media reports, according to Ahmedov, it is most natural
if Turkey joins the process of conflict regulation. "Turkey is
one of 11 members of the OSCE Minsk Group. So far the co-chair
countries have been unable to demonstrate a commitment to settling
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Azerbaijan’s position as a state
subjected to occupation is inadequately protected, which means it is
time to change the OSCE Minsk Group structure. Turkey may be the most
necessary and useful candidate to improve and complete this format.

Turkey is interested in resolving the conflict in the framework of
restoring Azerbaijan’s violated rights.Theretofore, we hail Turkey
joining the process. Participation of Turkey may give great impetus
to the resolution of the conflict," Ahmadov declared. It should only
be clarified whether Turkey is really ready to become a mediator in
the conflict, because it is one thing to give empty promises, and
another – to engage in business. But does Ahmedov seriously believe
that Armenia will allow the participation of a Turkish or any other
pro-Azerbaijani diplomat in the settlement of the conflict?