Our Forgotten Cry

Our Forgotten Cry

April 26, 2010
Los Angeles Club Scene

It was a relatively small event by comparison to other Armenian events for
the remembrance of the martyrs of 1915 Armenian Genocide by Turks.

But it was for a splendid cause.

PYUNIC – Disabled Children of Armenia is a non-profit organization that has
been around since the devastating earthquake of 1988 in Spitak, Armenia that
killed over 27 thousand people and injured an even larger number. It was
rather fitting to organize a Rock concert to raise awareness against
genocide on a day before the 95th annual commemoration of the Genocide and
raise money for this charity.

The concert titled "Our Forgotten Cry" at the club The Mint in West Los
Angeles, California attracted a sizable crowd of people from different walks
of life. As expected, it was mostly an Armenian crowd, but somewhat
surprisingly about one third of attendees were non-Armenians, which was very
welcome news.

There were 8 bands that took an active participation. The show stated at
7:30 PM – the first on a stage was Los Angeles based, newly formed and
talented band called "Oh So Wild". It is made up of 4 young and dedicated
musicians – their beautifully powered and inspirational songs reflected the
entire mood of the nights’ coming events.

They were followed by "Madstory", whose singer suitably called for a moment
of silence.

The third band was "Leave It Alone", followed by "ED", "Full Force Rising",
"Send the Sages", legendary "Red Snow", and a special appearance by
"Candyman 187". Needless to say how encouraging it was to witness the
collaborative efforts of Armenian and non-Armenian musicians sharing the
stage on such an eventful day of remembrance.

The reception of each band was outstanding – the atmosphere was one of
remembrance, determination, and rectitude.

Hopefully this will become an annual affair and raise awareness in all
communities throughout the greater Los Angeles.

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©OSW – 2010