Everyone Recognizes Fact Of Armenian Genocide Except Great Britain


2010-04-26 16:22:00

ArmInfo. "Everyone recognizes "the fact of Armenian Genocide except
Great Britain," Kiro Manoyan, Head of the Armenian Revolutionary
Federation (ARF) Bureau’s Hay Dat and Political Affairs Office told
media on Monday.

Great Britain refuses to recognize Armenian Genocide disputing this
acknowledged fact hereby favoring Turkey, he said. Manoyan believes
that to increase pressure on Turkey, Armenia must reach recognition
of the massacre of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey as Genocide by the US
President. If Obama repeats the words by US President Ronald Reagan
confirming the three resolutions adopted by the House Subcommittee,
Armenia will get additional triumph card in the fight for international
recognition of Armenian Genocide.

Genocide of Armenians has been recognized by 44 United States as well
as by 21 countries, including Canada, Argentina, Switzerland, Uruguay,
Russia, Belgium, France, Poland, Slovakia, the Netherlands, Greece,
Cyprus, Vatican, Sweden, Lithuania. The European Parliament passed a
resolution recognizing the fact of Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman
Turkey on June 18 1987 and demanded the Council of Europe to exert
pressure on Turkey in order that country recognizes the Armenian
Genocide. Turkey still denies the genocide of 1,5 million Armenians
in 1915-1923.