Patriarch Kirill, Allahshukur Pasha-Zade, Karekin II Discuss Karabak


April 26 2010

Baku, April 26, Interfax – Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia,
leader of Azeri Muslims Allahshukyur Pasha-zade and Catholicos of
All Armenians Karekin II met on the sidelines of the World Religions
Summit in Baku on Monday to discuss the Karabakh peace process.

"There has been progress in resolving the Karabakh problem in recent
years," Patriarch Kirill said. He welcomed the major contributions by
the Azerbaijani and Armenian heads of state to the settlement process
with the mediation of the Russian president.

"We are not political leaders, but we are bound to support this
process and to encourage goodwill and intentions by statesmen,"
The Patriarch said.

Allahshukur Pasha-zade thanked the Russian Orthodox Church and its
leader for mediation and for efforts to prevent the Karabakh conflict
from turning religious.

"I believe that this meeting is just the beginning and I hope for
a peaceful solution of all Caucasian problems, including a fair
settlement of the Karabakh conflict," he said.

Karekin II thanked Pasha-zade for inviting him to Baku and for
discussing the Karabakh problem.

"Being religious leaders, we are destined to seed peace and kindness.

We have been trying to restore peace in Karabakh since the very first
day of the conflict," he said.