"Turkey Can Run""But Certainly Can Not Hide"

Richard Giragosian


As yet another April 24th commemoration of the Armenian genocide has
passed, yet another American president has failed to accurately or
honestly invoke the genocide definition for what he has termed the
"Meds Yeghern." Although the dubious distortion of the historical
record was not a surprise, it does represent a disappointment.

The disappointment with President Barack Obama’s words is not only an
insult to the collective memory of Armenians, but is also an insult
to the integrity of American history. There should be no place for
such convenient half-truths or political pandering when it comes
to genocide. Armenians and Americans alike both deserve better,
especially from this American president.

Interestingly, as much as Armenians were again disappointed by the
American president’s statement, Turkish officials were also upset.

Specifically, Turkish officials were not satisfied by Obama’s failure
to correctly refer to the genocide. Turkish anger was triggered by the
president’s other words, where he referred to the genocide as "one
of the worst atrocities of the 20th century" and as "the inhumanity
of 1915."

There was also a degree of apprehension in Turkey as well, as Obama
reiterated that he has "consistently stated" his view of what occurred
in 1915, warning that his "view of that history has not changed,"
fueling fears in Turkey that although he refused to use the genocide
term, it did not necessarily mean that he would not feel free to do
so at some later point.

Yet in many ways, perhaps one of the most revealing lessons from
Armenia’s difficult diplomacy with Turkey has been that Turkey really
only respects strength. This was especially true during the October
2009 signing ceremony of the now infamous "protocols" between Armenia
and Turkey. Even during the ceremony itself, Turkey delayed the signing
for several hours, testing Armenia’s will, fortitude and resolve.

And as Turkey has now demonstrated increasing insincerity and
unreliability regarding its commitments to Armenia, the Armenian
government has finally suspended the process of ratifying the
protocols. Specifically, the Armenian president was compelled to take
action to address Turkey’s unacceptable "language of preconditions."

Armenia’s move was a correct one and represents a prudent response to
the Armenian president’s regretful admission that "for a whole year,
Turkey has done everything to protract time and fail the process."

In the words of Armenia’s first foreign minister, Raffi Hovannisian,
the Armenian decision to suspend the normalization process was "a good
tactic in these conditions," but he did note that "a good strategist
should not let such things happen" in the first place.

Hovannisian further stressed that the protocols are inherently flawed
by the existence of several disturbing preconditions, reflecting a
Turkish attempt to "reject genocide recognition," impose the "de jure
recognition of an illegal de facto border," and the unacceptable and
artificial linkage of the issue of Armenian-Turkish normalization
with the Mountainous Karabagh issue.

In this context, the effort "was an experiment, and that experiment
has failed," Hovannisian noted. He also warned that Armenia remains
in a critical "emergency situation" that can only be surmounted
"either by means of new elections or by essentially new changes,
which presume the presence of political will that is not visible till
now either among the authorities nor in some parts of the opposition."

Clearly, the absence of internal strength can never translate into
any formidable foreign policy.

Thus, in the aftermath of recent events, it has now become clear
that although Turkey may try to run from the issue, it certainly
can not hide from the most basic expectations of a modern nation—-
extending diplomatic relations with Armenia, opening the border that
Turkey itself closed unilaterally, and coming to terms with its legacy
of genocide. At the same time, the international community would do
well to remember that all expectations and burdens remain squarely on
Turkey. Armenia has done all it can and more. Perhaps at this point,
it is time for Armenia to modify its policy, to one demanding and
imposing its own preconditions on Turkey. Maybe only then will Turkey
come to respect a strong Armenian stance.