ANKARA: Le Figaro Recommends Mount Ararat for French Mountaineers

Le Figaro Recommends Mount Ararat for French Mountaineers French
newspaper Le Figaro has featured Mount Ararat as a destination for
French mountaineers and nature-lovers in its tourism supplement. The
article stressed the mythological importance of the eastern Turkish
mountain, and recommended it as a destination for mountaineers. The
article also wrote that Noah’s Ark is thought to have come to rest on
Ararat and detailed the expeditions that have sought to find remnants
of the ark, saying, “This tale breathes a romantic and mystic air to
the mountain”. The article also mentioned the troubled past of the
mountain, saying, “For a long time, tourists were frightened to go to
this region because of terrorist activities.” It concludes that, “With
permission from the authorities, there is now no problem for those
that set out to climb Mount Ararat.”

Anadolu News Agency (aa)