ANKARA: Turkey expects Knesset Genocide discussion proposal "to fail

Anadolu Agency, Turkey
April 29 2010

Turkey expects proposal to discuss "Armenian allegations" in Knesset "to fail"

Ankara, 29 April: Turkish Foreign Ministry said the Israeli Parliament
Knesset’s decision to accept a proposal to discuss the Armenian
allegations regarding the incidents of 1915, was an attempt expected
to fail like previous ones.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Burak Ozugurgun, commented at a weekly
press conference on Knesset’s decision to accept the leader of Meretz
Party Haim Oron’s proposal to debate the Armenian allegations
regarding the 1915 incidents as genocide.

Ozugurgun who pointed out that similar proposals were discussed at
Knesset in the past said, "We expect such attempts to fail like the
examples in the past."

"Not just the Israeli Parliament. But Turkey’s views on judgement of
history by parliamentarians, in general, is well known. It is better
to leave interpretation of history to historians," said Ozugurgun.

Ozugurgun who said that Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun
Sinirlioglu would shortly travel to Israel for regular consultations,
adding that the Middle East peace process as well as the course of
Turkish-Israeli relations would be discussed.