Georgian Authorities Keep On De-Armenizing Javakhk


2010-05-05 14:00:00

ArmInfo. The Georgian authorities keep on working over de-Armenization
of Javakhk, President of Yerkir Council Sevak Artsruni told journalists

"Unfortunately, the people like Chief of Akhalkalaki Police Samvel
Petrosyan assist to the Georgian authorities in this hard work.

Unfortunately, there are many such Petrosyans in Javakhk being no
more than a blind tool in hands of the Georgian authorities", he said.

According to Artsruni, the fact that the son of Samvel Petrosyan, who
fired at the people during disorders in Akhalkalaki after falsification
of the results of election to the local authorities, is the second
in the pro-power lists, confirms the ideological orientation of a
policeman. That time, "United Javakhk" organization, headed by Vahagn
Chakhalyan, argued against governance of the Armenian population of
the region by ethnic Georgians. Disorders ended with explosion near
the house of Akhalkalaki Chief of Police Samvel Petrosyan.

This was followed by murder of the two policemen during searches,
and the leaders of the United Javakhk underwent persecutions. One of
them, Gourgen Shirinyan, managed to escape. Chakhalyan and his family
were arrested.