Artsakh President Receives Prize-Winning Sportsmen


On 5 May President of the Artsakh Republic Bako Sahakyan received
Artsakh sportsmen taken winning places in Armenian, European and
international championships and their coaches.

Bako Sahakyan congratulated Artsakh sportsmen on the achieved success
expressing confidence that they will keep holding high the sports honor
of our country and will continue and multiply victories of our nation.

At the end of the meeting the President handed financial awards to
the winners and their coaches noting that the authorities of the
republic will continue assisting the development of physical culture
and sport as well as promote the process for reaching higher results
in this field.

According to the central information department of Artsakh President’s
Office, Defense Minister of the Artsakh Republic Movses Hakobyan,
chairman of state sports committee under the Cabinet of Ministers
Razmik Hovsepyan and other officials partook at the meeting.