Sargsyan Congratulates on Victories in Great Patriotic War

President Sargsyan Congratulates on Victories in Great Patriotic War
and Liberation of Shushi

12:25 – 08.05.10

President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan delivered a congratulatory address
on the occasion of the Holiday of Victory and Peace.

`The triumphant ending of the Great Patriotic War was a historical
event for our people and for our country which became a new start, a
powerful impetus to raising our economy and culture at a new level
through our peaceful and creative work. Our people did its best for
that victory. We had scores of victims who will be remembered also by
our sons. We had heroes and military leaders whose heroic deeds, as an
example of patriotism and military art will inspire the present and
future offsprings,’ the address reads in part.
Further the President mentions that on the same day in 1992 the
Armenians had a chance to celebrate another triumphant occasion – the
liberation of Shushi.

`It was our answer to those who unleashed a war, perpetrated ethnic
cleansings and massacres,’ reads the statement, adding that the
Armenian nation is resolute not to tolerate any more attempts aimed at
violating its right to live a free life.