Aliyev should accept that lost war: Sharmazanov, Armenia
May 8 2010

Aliyev should accept that lost war: Sharmazanov

15:43 / 05/08/2010Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev’s back out from
participation in unofficial CIS leaders’ summit in Moscow and Azeri
Foreign Minister’s reluctance to meet with OSCE mediators in Brussels
will be a fall-out for Baku. It will lead to greater isolation of
Azerbaijan started after the criticism against Washington and Moscow,
RPA faction secretary Edward Sharmazanov told

He deems that hysteric behavior of Azeri officials shows that Baku’s
nerves are shot. `Every year on May 8 ‘ the day when liberation of
Shushi is celebrated, Azeri authorities make inadequate and nervous
moves. However, Aliyev and Azerbaijani establishment should realize
that outcome of war cannot be reversed by presenting demarches. Aliyev
has to give up loser’s complex and tell his nation there was a war, we
lost and should accept that,’ Sharmazanov said.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev refused to attend the unofficial
CIS leaders’ summit reasoning it by participation of RA President.
`The main reason for such a step is that the persons who participated
in the occupation of Shusha, leads Armenia,’ NAP Deputy Chairman Ali
Ahmadov told Trend.

In his turn Azerbaijani FM Elmar Mammadyarov refused to meet with OSCE
MG Co-Chairs in Brussels on May 11-12 due to tight schedule.

From: Baghdasarian