Discussions On Armenian Genocide In Mejlis With Turkish-Armenians’Pa


7 April 05

A special session of the Turkish Commission on Harmonic Relations
of the National Assembly and EU was held on April 5 to discuss the
issue of “Armenian allegations of genocide”. Daily Azg has previously
informed that Etienne Mahchupian, columnist at Zaman daily, and
Hrant Dinq, editor-in-chief of Akos weekly, were also invited to
the session. Hurriyet newspaper confirms daily Azg’s information
in April 6 issue adding that Armenian writer from Constantinople,
Levon Debaghian, also participated.

According to Hurriyet, Mahchupian said concerning Justine McCarthy’s
negation of Armenian Genocide’s historicity that he is not accepted by
historians worldwide and hinted at his love for money. Syuqur Eleqdag,
deputy of People’s Republican Party, stood up for McCarthy calling
Mahchupian’s statement slander. Afterwards, Mahchupian drew a parallel
between the Kurdish and Armenian issues to which Inji Ozdemir from
Justice and Prosperity Party opposed saying, “The situation in case
of Armenians is that of war but in Kurd’s case it is not; we have no
intention to force Kurds out”.

As soon as Dinq said that, “While you built monuments, hold
arrangements I am deprived of opportunity to commemorate April
the 24th”, Ozdemir replied saying, “How else could you mark the
anniversary? You have built memorials worldwide”.

Hurriyet writes that only Levon Debaghian backed the Turkish views in
the dispute. Despite Dinq’s attempts to silent Debaghian, the latter
noted that the events of 1915 were not a genocide but deportation,
external powers tried to involve Turkey in civil war and added, “We
are Turkish-Armenians, Turkey’s citizens first of all and connected
with Turkey. They are playing a trick on us; we should not give
in to swindle. Those were Armenians from Russia who carried out
massacres. Let’s put aside all kind of allegations and be proud of
being Turkish-Armenians”.

By Hakob Chakrian