Kars-Akhalqalak-Baku Railway Estimated $400 Million


AZG Armenian Daily #063, 09/04/2005


Georgian Civil online newspaper informed that in Baku Georgia,
Azerbaijan and Turkey signed a treaty on construction of
Kars-Akhalqalak-Tbilisi-Baku Railway. The newspaper said that
a Georgian-Azeri-Turkish united company will be established in
Istanbul. It will carry out the construction of the railway. According
to preliminary indicators, the program will cost $400 million.

Kars-Akhalqalak newly built section of the railway stretches for 98kms,
30kms pass through Armenian-populated Javakhk. Though there used to
work Akhalqalak-Tbilisi railway it still needs to be renovated.

It’s worth reminding that there is a railway connecting Turkey with
Azerbaijan (Kars-Gyumri-Tbilisi-Baku). It doesn’t function since 1993
when the Turkish government decided to impose a blockade on Armenia.