US Defense Minister to Arrive in Baku


14:36:23 | 11-04-2005 | Politics |


Tomorrow the US Defense Minister Donald Rumsfeld will arrive in Baku to hold
negotiations about the allocation of the US movable groups of quick
reaction. By the way, this is the third visit of the American official to
Azerbaijan. This time Donald Rumsfeld will meet the Azerbaijani officials.

It is anticipated that the main aim of the meeting is to make decisions
about issues about which arrangements have been made during the visit of
General Charles Wold, Deputy Commander of the UA Armed Forces in Europe. The
issue refers to the allocation of the US movable groups of quick reaction in
the area of Azerbaijan.

Official Baku has already agreed, several details are left to be cleared
out, and Azerbaijan must name a date. But USA has doubts that Azerbaijan
hesitates to take the last step – to give the answer.

The information was given by the agency «Regnum».