Arkadi Khitarov Says Armenians Have Achieved More In Genocide Recogn


MAY 19, 2011

The Parliament of Greece declared May 19 Day of Commemoration of the
Genocide, which was committed by Turks against the Greeks of Pontus.

Suren Manukyan, deputy director of the Armenian Genocide
Museum-Institute, historian, genocide scholar, said today at a news
conference that the international recognition process of Pontus Greeks’
Genocide started later than that of the Armenian Genocide. He says only
3 countries – Greece, Cyprus and Sweden – recognized the Genocide. In
2007 the International Association of Genocide Scholars adopted
a document, which gives scientific grounds for the international
recognition of the Genocide of Greeks.

According to Suren Manukyan, Mustafa Kemal had a great role in the
Genocide of the Greeks. “In the case of the Armenian Genocide we
burden the whole responsibility on the Ottoman Turkey and Young Turks,
and in the case of the Greek Genocide Kemal has a significant role,”
Suren Manukyan said.

Arkadi Khitarov, president of the Union of Greek NGO’s in Armenia,
says the Greek organizations of USA, Europe and Australia exert efforts
for the international recognition of the Greek Genocide. In the result
of this struggle one of the states of Australia has already adopted
it. He says Armenians always support such actions by the Greeks. He
added that there is no serious state approach in Greece towards the
Genocide of the Greeks of Pontus.

“The struggle in this issue by the Armenians has always been a
landmark for us: they achieved more and this can be considered a
positive result,” Arkadi Khitarov said. He added that he hopes Greece
will pay more attention to this issue.

As to Turkey’s membership to the European Union, the speakers mentioned
that such a step by the EU will be nonsense. “I hope Europe will
not allow such a step, as with this the European Union will lose its
significance,” Arkadi Khitarov said.