NKR: Process Of Spring Sowing Has Been Discussed


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department

Today, Prime Minister of NKR Ara Haroutyunyan convened a conference
with the participation of the heads of regional administrations.

Process of spring sowing has been discussed.

Heads of regional administrations reported on the works done in the
regions. By the words of the Minister of Agriculture A.Tsatryan all
the works of spring sowing are in normal process. More than 7000
hectare spring sowing has been done in the republic which compared
with the previous year is more in 3000 hectare.

At the conference were discussed issues concerning grain-cereal crops
and potato cultivation.

Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan estimated the works done satisfactory
but pointed out problems with plants~R cultivation. Prime Minister
is not satisfied with the results of studies course held with the
land-users; most of them continue their works violating the rules
of agriculture. Fields are full of weeds because sprayings were not
done in time. Prime Minister exhorted to carry on weeds control and
report on the results.

The lack of necessary specialists ( mechanics, agronomists, veterinary
surgeons) has been also discussed at the conference. Offers were raised
to organize studies for them and revise their wages. The offers will
be submitted to the President~Rs discussion in the nearest future.