Double standards to crimes against humanity inadmissible


Pan Armenian News
21.04.2005 04:01

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ “Application of double standards, jugglery with
terms, substitution of problems, speculations with historical facts
in case of crimes against humanity is inadmissible,” President of the
Nagorno Karabakh Republic Arkady Ghukasian stated when addressing
Ultimate Crime, Ultimate Challenge: Human Rights and Genocide
international conference. The NKR President’s statement notes:
“The crimes against humanity should be denounced. The international
community should not have an alternative to such an attitude towards
genocide. Otherwise, the fact of perpetration of a genocide becomes
not subject of common aversion and condemnation, but merely one of the
numerous tools for states realizing their geopolitical, geoeconomic,
regional, domestic and other interests. As state interests have
diverse, often diametrically opposite goals, not only oblivion of the
fact of a genocide is favorable to a government in a certain historical
period, but also the indirect justification of its perpetration. This
is what Azeri leaders are guided by today, by “fair” settlement of
the Nagorno Karabakh conflict they mean full eviction of indigene
Armenians from Artsakh. Aiming at that they pursue a policy of
provoking world and regional powers, first of all Turkey to put not
only political and economic, but also military pressure on Armenia
and Nagorno Karabakh. Simultaneously the Azeri propaganda machine
has launched an unprecedented campaign to forge the historical facts,
up to presenting Armenians to the international community as people,
who have allegedly committed a genocide against the Azerbaijanis.
Unfortunately such policy by the Baku authorities is not censured by
the international community. Meanwhile, the policy is pregnant with
the threat of forming permanent hatred towards the entire Armenian
people in today’s and future generations of the Azeri society. The
consequences of such a policy have destructive consequences for
confidence building between the parties of the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict, the Azeri and Armenian peoples, who are to be neighbors
for always as the God has willed.”