Hay Dat French Bureau Outraged Over UNESCO’s "Civilized Vandalism"


June 16, 2011 – 20:25 AMT

PanARMENIAN.Net – Hay Dat French Bureau expressed outrage over the
unpleasant occurrence at Paris-hosted Khachkar Craftsmanship exhibit,
where the signs describing original location of khachkars were removed.

As Hay Dat stressed in its statement, the “civilized vandalism” of
UNECSO, inconsistent with the Organisation’s mission, arose strong
protest in France’s Armenian community. As the statement said,
such attitude will be responded by the community accordingly. “The
incident proves the involvement of Azerbaijan and Turkey. By yielding
to political pressure, UESCO stained its good name,” the statement

On June 15, a photo exhibition titled Khachkar Craftsmanship opened
in Paris in the framework of scientific conferences organized by
the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

“On the opening day of the exhibition hosting the Armenian Deputy
Minister of Culture and Armenian Ambassador in France Vigen
Tchitetchian, the guests faced an unpleasant surprise,” said Jean
Eckian, freelance French journalist.

The attendees were embarrassed to see that the quotations indicating
the place of origin of each Khachkhar (cross-stone), had been removed
without any clarification on the part of organizers of the event. Only
dates were indicated under the photos, according to Eckian.

He said that the Armenian organizations of France and Switzerland
vigorously protested against attempts to deny the cultural heritage
of Armenia.

On Nov 17, 2010, UNESCO decided to inscribe Armenian Cross-Stones
Art, symbolism and Craftsmanship of Khachkars on the Representative
List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Taking into
consideration the fact that Khachkar is the acting tradition for
all Armenians, its inscription on the UNESCO Representative List of
the Intangible Cultural Heritage provides grounds for maintenance
and transition of knowledge, rituals, traditions and craftsmanship
connected with Khachkars to next generations.

Meanwhile, Azerbaijan attempted to protest the decision and claimed
that Kachkars “are not Armenian.”