NKR: Transition To New Pension System


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department

At the session of the NKR Government

Today a regular session of the NKR Government chaired by Prime Minister
Ara Haroutunyan was held.

At the session the Executive spoke about some legislative initiations.

First the Government approved draft laws “On forage” and “On
bee-farming”. By interpretation of minister of agriculture A.

Tsatryan, further development of farm needs the usage of the like
laws, which will allow regulating economic relations in this sphere,
stipulate production and realization as well as define necessary
control. In the Republic there are special expectations from
bee-farming. As informed the minister of agriculture, last year more
than 210 tones of honey were produced in the Republic, while there
is a potential to bring this index to 500 tones. Prime Minister
Ara Haroutunyan told that the realization of the product would be
stimulated by the existing means, in order to increase its volume.

In the NKR will soon pass to new multistage system. These goal-oriented
necessary legislative drafts are already ready -approved by the
Government and will be submitted to the NA’s discussion. State pension
welfare, compulsory stocker and voluntary stocker pension parts will
be included in the NKR pension system. Prime Minister Ara Haroutunyan
assigned the social welfare ministry to give necessary explanations
to the population about the content and general provisions of the
new system, tell about advantages and appropriateness of the novelty.

The Executive approved draft law “On defining tax and other compulsory
payment benefits for organizations and private entrepreneurs. This
law will be enforceable for state and private enterprises.

Among the new law drafts approved by the Government are the laws
“On psychiatric aid” and “On non material cultural inheritance”.

The executive proposed amendments and additions in the NKR law “On
social protection in case of population’s employment and unemployment”.

By another resolution adopted by the Government during the session was
asserted the new order of compensating the employee who was injured
or obtained occupational desease during the implementation of his
labour duties.

The executive proposed amendments and additions in the laws “On social
welfare of servicemen and members of their families”, “On NKR Rescue
Service”, “On diplomatic service”, “On service in Police”. All the
mentioned law drafts will be submitted to the discussion of National

The Government adopted a number of resolutions for regulating the
activity of different spheres.

By one of the resolutions has been affirmed licensing orders and
license forms of realizing educational programme in NKR.

The Government approved the order of placing advertisement in transport
means. It is defined that the advertisement must not be placed in
the front and back parts of transport means and on those transport
means which move dangerous burdens. Headlights of the cars can not
be used because of the advertisements .

At the session the executive made a number of amendments in temporary
schemes of land area using which belong to Askeran’s urban and rural
communities of Khnkavan of the region Martakert.