ANKARA: Turkish Chief of Staff Demands Official Greek Apology

Zaman Online, Turkey
April 21 2005

Turkish Chief of Staff Demands Official Greek Apology
By Anadolu News Agency (aa)
Published: Thursday 21, 2005

Chief of the Turkish General Staff Hilmi Ozkok announced a demand for
an official Greek apology for the attack against the Turkish flag
during the visit of theTurkish Land Force Academy students to Athens.

Turkish-Greek friendship is of great importance to the Turkish Armed
Forces (TSK). Ozkok emphasized that Greece tops the list of defense
expenses within the European Union (EU) countries and it continues
armament of the Aegean islands. Comparing the defense expenditures of
the two states the Chief of Staff revealed that the figures show that
Turkey spends $164 per capita whereas Greece spends $709 on defense.
Ozkok disclosed his views on foreign and domestic politics in a
meeting at the Commandership of the Air Forces Academy in Istanbul

Secularism is the precipitating force for democracy in Turkey said
Ozkok, continuing, “Turkey is neither an Islamic state nor an Islamic
country” and in case of a transformation to the moderate Islamic
country model, the Military would raise objections. The Chief also
drew attention to the fact that Armenia that did not recognize
Turkey’s territorial integrity and continued its occupation in
Karabagh. He went on to say that Armenia carries so-called genocide
allegations on international platforms with no legal basis. As for
US-Turkish relations, Ozkok criticized the US for not taking any step
towards curbing the presence of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK)
with the warning that Kirkuk is ready to explode. Ozkok said that
Iran’s nuclear studies are being closely followed with concern and
that for this reason the Turkish Military supports the EU Member
States’ initiative to find a peaceful solution. Ozkok found it wrong
to perceive EU membership as a “favor”. Meanwhile, he announced
personnel reduction in TSK by 150,000 troops.