Armenian President called Turkish Premier’s letter not encouraging

Pan Armenian News


24.04.2005 03:41

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Armenian President Robert Kocharian called the letter
received from Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan from the point of
view of solution of the Armenian-Turkish relations. Yesterday in the air of
the Russian TV Company, specifically, in Zerkalo program, he noted that he
would like not to speak of the content of the letter in detail, however he
will answer the letter soon. Touching upon the question what the
acknowledgement of the Genocide means to Armenia Robert Kocharian
underscored Armenians do not have hatred, rather – bitterness. A person can
feel something like that when has lost a friend or a relative and the
culprit who did it is not punished. `The sensation takes the shape of an
all-national one and the vector is rather clearly specified. It is enough to
visit the Memorial Complex of Tsitsernakaberd to understand what Armenians
feel concerning that day,’ Robert Kocharian accentuated.