ANKARA: Cicek: Based On Our Archives And Confidence In…

Turkish Press
April 25 2005

Cicek: Based On Our Archives And Confidence In Our History And
Culture, We Can Say That No Genocide Took Place

ANKARA – Turkish Minister of Justice and Government Spokesman Cemil
Cicek has indicated that, after many years of leaving the issue of
so-called genocide to historians, it is now high time for Turkey to
start disproving all allegations in various countries.

Cicek remarked that for centuries the Armenians lived in an empire
(Ottoman) happily and in a rich atmosphere. ”Armenians began
uprising against the Ottoman government with the incitement,
encouragement and promises of some countries under the conditions of
the First World War and massacred especially Muslim Turks, leading to
mutual incidents.”

”April 24 is the end of incidents perpetrated by Armenians and what
happened did happen within the context of conditions of war. This
aspect is disregarded and Turkey is unjustly blamed for something
that it never did.”

Underlining that Turkey suffered from Armenian terrorism especially
after 1965, Cicek expressed sadness for Turkish diplomats killed by
Armenian terrorists.

Cicek noted that Armenians influenced the parliaments of the
countries in which they are powerful and succeeded in obtaining
parliament decisions in their favor in 15 countries.

Noting that Turkey has always considered the incidents of 1915 as an
historical topic and that should be made clear by historians, Cicek
said, ”if we evaluate the topic from a political perspective, this
would take us to a different point. Apparently, parliaments of
certain countries can make decisions based on the incidents of the
past and can cause a chaotic atmosphere. As Turks, we wished that,
instead of turning incidents of the past into a topic of hatred and
anger, they should be brought to daylight by the historians with an
approach looking at the future. Such a Turkish approach has been
undeniably disregarded by the parliaments of certain nations due to
domestic political gains and other reasons. That is why, Turkey has
given up thinking ‘let’s look at the future, not the past. Let’s not
cause younger generations raise with hatred and anger by digging into
pains of the past’. We must have a new approach to the subject.”

”Based on our archives and confidence in our history and culture, we
can say that no genocide took place. But altogether, we have to
disprove the lies of those who claim that a genocide has taken place.
We have to do it with the help of all of the government institutions
and NGOs across the globe. Turkey must follow a new policy, quite
different than its past approach which indicated that the issue of
the so-called Armenian genocide is a matter of historians. The old
policy that so-called Armenian genocide is a historical matter and
not political does not meet Turkey’s requirements. We have to pursue
a much different policy globally as of this moment,” indicated

Cicek mentioned that Turkey has opened all of its archives. ”Those
who want to closely study the archives are welcome in Turkey. We can
form joint commissions comprised of historical experts. We expect the
Armenians to also open all of their archives. Turkey is confident
about the results of such commissions.”

Cicek stressed that the issue of so-called Armenian genocide has been
thoroughly evaluated in the meeting of the Council of Ministers today
(Monday). ”We are looking at the issue of so-called Armenian
genocide from legal, political and historical perspectives,”
commented Cicek. The Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs will
coordinate all of our activities in disproving Armenian allegations,
told Cicek.

According to Cicek, many Turkish organizations, individuals,
non-governmental organizations work on disproving Armenian
allegations. We may establish a coordination center to make possible
the best battle against baseless Armenian allegations, said Cicek.