Hideko Udagawa in Armenia


| 14:39:50 | 05-05-2005 | Culture |

Hideko Udagawa, the great-granddaughter of Japan’s historically most
influential prime ministers has come to Armenia to present her mastery.

As a protégée of Nathan Milstein, she has inherited the great Russian
romantic tradition of violin playing. Ms Udagawa made her orchestral
debut in London with the London Symphony Orchestra under Sir Charles
Mackerras, playing Bruch’s G minor concerto at the Barbican Hall. Her
performances have spanned thirty countries across Europe, North America
and Asia-Pacific. Armenia will be the 31st. In addition to live
performances, Ms Udagawa has made a number of recordings which draw on
her wide-ranging repertoire of over forty concerti. She is particularly
enthusiastic about discovering great unrecorded works. Her latest
CD, of works by Aram Khachaturian with the pianist Boris Berezovsky,
for Koch International, includes seven world premiere recordings.

May 6 the masterly violin player will give a concert together with
the State Phliharmonic Orchestra conducted by Eduard Topchyan in the
concert hall after Aram Khachaturyan.

She will perform Tchaikovsky’s Symphonic Fantasy «Francesca da
Rimini», Khachaturyan’s Concert Rhapsody for Violin and Orchestra
and Shostakovich’s Ninth Symphony.
