Bush to hail Georgia ‘Beacon of Liberty’ for the region and world

AZG Armenian Daily #084, 11/05/2005



Saakashvili Ready to ‘Spread and Advance Democracy’ in Post-Soviet States
and Middle East

In his speech to estimated 150.000 people at the Freedom Square in Tbilisi,
US President George W. Bush called Georgia “beacon of liberty” in the region
and the whole world. “Gamar djoba”, the US President greeted the crowd in
Georgian. “As you build freedom in this country, you must know that the
seeds of liberty you are planting in Georgian soil are flowering across the
globe…. You are building a democratic society where the rights of
minorities are respected, where a free press flourishes, a vigorous
opposition is welcome… Before there was a Purple Revolution in Iraq, or an
Orange Revolution in Ukraine, or a Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, there was
the Rose Revolution in Georgia”, Bush said in his speech.

This is the first time in history that a US president visits South Caucasus.
President Bush arrived in Georgia in the evening of May 9 and headed for the
Old Town of Tbilisi accompanied by Georgia’s President. The presidents took
part in a dance performed for the US President. Afterwards together with
their spouses, the presidents had a dinner in one of restaurants on Meydan.
Bush appreciated Georgian cousin. He said that khachapuri is very tasty.

President Bush’s visit has clearly changed the imagery of Tbilisi. The
buildings downtown the capital are painted in bright colors, the streets are
paved with asphalt. The whole of Georgia got ready for Bush’s visit.

The US President met yesterday President Mikheil Saakashvili, parliament
speaker Nino Burjanadze and the representatives of Georgia’s national
minorities. A press conference followed the presidents’ closed-door meeting.

Bush said that they the two presidents had an honest discussion over
democracy and reforms, Georgia’s membership to Nato and over the need to
find peaceful solution for confrontation in Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

The US president underscored that essentially only that society is
democratic where the rights of minorities are respected. “This is a very
diverse country”, Bush said.

Together with President Saakashvili, George Bush met with 10 representatives
of Georgia’s minorities, including 2 Armenians. Head of the Tbilisi offshoot
of Armenians’ Union of Georgia and president of “Multinational Georgia” NGO,
Arnold Stepanian, opt in the meeting.

In an interview to daily Azg, Stepanian said that they talked about the
issues of minorities, about the need of integrating them into Georgian

“We will peacefully resolve our disputes with our long-suffering South
Ossetian and Abkhaz citizens”, Saakashvili said during the press conference.

“Georgia will become the main partner of the United States in spreading
democracy and freedom in the post-Soviet space. This is our proposal. We
will always be with you in protecting freedom and democracy”, Saakashvili
said looking at Bush.

US President was more than reserved in his statements about the withdrawal
of Russian military bases from Batumi and Akhalkalak. Answering a Georgian
journalist’s question, Bush said that Moscow is ready to work with Tbilisi
and that he had discussed that Issue with President Putin.

“He [Putin] reminded me that there is an agreement in place – a 1999
agreement [signed in Istanbul],” Bush said.

Yesterday noon, the US President and his delegation counting 700 members
left for Washington. Bush’s visit to Georgia is generally estimated $1
million for the state budget. This is not a great price Georgia paid if the
visit’s importance for Georgia is considered. Besides, Georgia receives
millions of dollars as aid from America. Saakashvili as well as other
high-ranking Georgian officials are getting their salary from the Soros

By Tatoul Hakobian in Tbilisi