Rainbow over Ararat exhibition opened in Germany

Pan Armenian News


12.05.2005 05:51

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Rainbow over Ararat exhibition opened in Wuppertal German
town, reported Westdeutsche Zeitung. Haykakan Shvakner (Armenian Shadows)
photographs of Hayk Davidian are presented at it, as well as Denis Alt’s
canvases. In the works of the latter the blue and the orange colors are
always present, as well as Armenian flowers. Being an ethnic Turk, Denis Alt
got however interested in the history of his family and found out that his
grandmother was Armenian and was deported in the years of the Armenian
Genocide. In his works he presents the sufferings of his compatriots, who
were ousted 90 years ago. The exhibition organized by Wegner society is a
peculiar teller of the history of Armenia and reminds of the grief and
sufferings of Armenians. The event will last till June 26.