Armenian opposition leader pledges “peaceful” government change

Armenian opposition leader pledges “peaceful” government change

A1+ web site
12 May 05

“We do not want a revolution, it is not our way, we will struggle to
change the authorities and follow a path to be chosen by our leader,”
the head of the Artashat branch of the People’s Party of Armenia
[PPA], Aramayis Barsegyan, said at party leader [MP Stepan]
Demirchyan’s meeting with members of the party.

Demirchyan confirmed that they intended to replace the authorities in
a peaceful manner. He said: “Of course, we will do everything as soon
as possible in order to implement these changes.” Asked about the
party’s plans to stage mass rallies, Demirchyan said: “This will

A member of the PPA’s political council, Ruben Gandilyan, expressed
his dissatisfaction with resent statements by some leaders of the
[opposition] Justice bloc member parties who criticized Demirchyan for
his indecision.

[Passage omitted: minor details]

Demirchyan informed the audience of the party’s programme. “We will
take part in the elections to local governments,” he said, adding that
“the authorities will once again rig the elections”.