War for business


| 17:03:41 | 19-05-2005 | Politics |


Today the owners of the currency exchange points situated in a tight
row in Tigran Mets Street organized a protest action and went on
termless strike. They are exasperated with checks and cavils that have
become frequent recently. However the main reason for the strike is
the decision by the Central Bank, according to which the points should
be located at least at the distance of 50 meters from each other.

The owners and employees of the exchange points state that the
authorities want to grasp the business from private owners and leave
it in hands of several people. They say that about 3000 people will
lose their job if the CB closes all the exchange points in Kasyan
and Tigran Mets Streets.

According to the protesters 12 pointes were forcibly closed today in
Tigran Mets Street and 8 points ~V in Kasyan Street. They suppose
that the authorities wish the banks under the supervision of the
state only to exercise the exchange function.

Some of the owners of the exchange points agree to speak with
journalists but prefer not to introduce themselves. If within several
days later their demand remain without response they are not going
to undertake either measures. «We are powerless», they say.

Meanwhile long queues appeared at the exchange points of the branches
of Areximbank and Promethey bank located in Tigran Mets Street.
