NK population expressed opinion already



| 19:25:56 | 19-05-2005 | Politics |

During his visit to NKR Director of the CIS Institute, Russian Duma
deputy Konstantin Zatulin expressed regret that the international
community is not ready to recognize the independence of Karabakh yet.

K. Zatulin also informed that was invited to be present at the
parliamentary elections as an observer. “My visit to Karabakh is
conditioned by the desire to familiarize with the pre-election
situation. He evaluated the fact that the election campaign is
proceeding within the frames of civilized political process.

When commenting on Azerbaijan’s negative reaction to the upcoming
elections in Karabakh Zatulin said “The position of the Azeri
leadership is clear it did not undergo any changes during these
years”. In his words, the people of Karabakh have not only defended
their right of self-determination but are actively participating in
the public life and economy development. “The people of Karabakh have
already expressed their opinion”, he stated.

As for Russia’s role in the Karabakh conflict settlement K. Zatulin
noted that Russia’s principal task as the Co-Chair is to be the
guarantor for prevention of resumption of hostilities.