ANKARA: Walesa: Armenian Bill Should not Influence Bilateral Relatio

ANKARA: Walesa: Armenian Bill Should not Influence Bilateral

By Ergin Acar, Serdar Ertas
Published: Monday 16, 2005

Former Polish President Lech Walesa said the Polish Parliament’s
adoption of a bill regarding the so-called Armenian genocide should
not influence bilateral relations with Turkey.

Walesa interpreted the parliamentary decision as a political game and
warned Turkey not to adopt an attitude forcing the Polish to choose
“either us or the Armenians;” on the contrary, to maintain bilateral
relations with Poland defended the former Polish President. Speaking
with the Cihan News Agency before Turkish Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan’s visit, he said that Poland wants to continue its
friendship with Turkey and Ankara should remain balanced so as not
to destroy relations. Mentioning Poland was not the first and only
country making this decision, Walesa said: “Turkey should not offer
us a choice and say, ‘work with us and review the decision’. Poland
wants to continue its ongoing friendship with Turkey. Ankara should
not destroy relations.”

Former Polish President alleged that Turkey has been slow regarding
the so-called genocide allegations and claimed that the parliamentary
decision was taken to encourage both parties to find a speedy
solution for the disagreement. “The parliamentary decision is not a
blamable decision, on the contrary, it is a decision taken to find a
solution. Turkey should insist on a solution to the incident. But all
should be aware that these are all part of a political game.” Turkey
immediately became annoyed with regard to the allegations and did
not want to listen the details, Walesa went on, “If Turkey does
not want to listen, then, the incidents will be controlled in an
international area.”

The Polish Parliament unanimously accepted the allegations regarding
the “so-called Armenian genocide” last month.