Yerevan has positive evaluation of recent Kocharyan-Aliyev talks

Yerevan has positive evaluation of recent Kocharyan-Aliyev talks
By Tigran Liloyan

ITAR-TASS News Agency
May 18, 2005 Wednesday 11:24 AM Eastern Time

YEREVAN, May 18 — Yerevan has a positive evaluation of the recent
meeting in Warsaw between the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan,
Robert Kocharyan and Ilkham Aliyev, a spokesman said on Wednesday.

“The meeting was yet another step toward the settlement of the
Nagorno Karabakh conflict,” Armenian Foreign Ministry spokesman Gamlet
Gasparyan said.

The meetings between the presidents give the opportunity to continue
the discussion of the issue at the level of foreign ministers within
the scope of their consultations in Prague, Gasparyan said.

He underlined that the Warsaw talks were given a positive valuation
by the international community, in particular by the OSCE’s Minsk
group for Nagorno Karabakh – Russia, France and the United States.

“They are already working on organizing the next round of talks,”
the spokesman said.

“As for Azerbaijan’s claims about the possibility of return of the
districts controlled by Armenian forces, it absolutely does not
correspond to reality,” Gasparyan said.