Russia to enhance military capacity if Ukraine joins NATO: Ivanov

Xinhua, China
June 6 2005

Russia to enhance military capacity if Ukraine joins NATO: Ivanov

2005-06-06 21:51:07

MOSCOW, June 6 (Xinhuanet) — Russia will make more investments
in enhancing its military capacity to safeguard the country’s
sovereignty and security if Ukraine joins NATO, Russian Defense
Minister Sergei Ivanov said on Monday.

“The military-industrial complexes of Russia and Ukraine have
been closely integrated up till now,” Ivanov said at a press
conference in St. Petersburg.

But if Ukraine joins the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO), Russia will have to channel additional financial resources
into its military-industrial complex, including its high-technology
sectors, he was quoted by the Itar-Tass news agency as saying.

Ivanov added that Ukraine is a sovereign country, and it is for
the Ukrainian government and the Ukrainian people to decide what
organization to join in.

On the withdrawal of the two Russian military bases from Georgia,
Ivanov said two light mountain infantry brigades will be formed along
the Russian-Georgian border to enhance protection from terrorist
penetrations after the withdrawal.

“The decision has been made already at all levels and billions of
rubles have been allocated for the creation of the two brigades,” he

Following months of wrangling, Russia agreed last month to begin
pulling its two Soviet-era bases out of Georgia by the end of this
year and complete the pullout over 2008.

In the next four years Russia will withdraw 2,500 personnel,
2,500 pieces of heavy military equipment, 80,000 tons of ammunition,
and other military assets from Georgia.

Most of the military hardware will be shipped back, while some
will be redeployed to the Russian military base in Armenia, said
Ivanov, who explained that the bases in Georgia has long lost their

The equipment to be relocated to Armenia will not be handed over
to the Armenian side, but deployed at the Russian military base,
Ivanov said, adding that “Georgia will take over all fixed assets
vacated by the Russian military.” Enditem