ANC-GW Urges US Corp. Leaders to End Complicity in Genocide Denial

Armenian National Committee of Greater Washington
4906 Flint Drive
Bethesda, MD 20816

June 5, 2005


— Protest Vigil at Turkish Embassy Coincides with Welcoming
Reception for Leaders of American Turkish Council

WASHINGTON, DC – Armenian Americans stood vigil in front of the
Turkish Embassy today calling attention to that government’s
ongoing denial of the Armenian Genocide, as Turkish and American
government officials and industry leaders attended a kick-off
reception for the American Turkish Council (ATC) annual conference,
reported the Armenian National Committee of Greater Washington

Over 50 Armenian Americans held signs calling for recognition and a
just resolution of the Armenian Genocide as well as the end of
Turkey’s twelve-year blockade of Armenia and the implementation of
human rights reforms. ANC-GW representatives passed out flyers to
reception attendees informing them that the ATC “has used your good
name to deny genocide – a misguided act that embarrasses you,
disgraces the Council, and calls into question the core values of
the company you represent.” The flyer called on ATC members to
“perform a true service for U.S.-Turkey relations: Urge the ATC
and Turkey to stop denying the Armenian Genocide.”

“It is morally reprehensible that Turkey continues to coerce U.S.
companies to become complicit in the Armenian Genocide through
their misguided participation in anti-genocide recognition
efforts,” stated ANC-Greater Washington representative Arsineh
Khachikian. “Our protest vigil today was aimed to urge our U.S.
corporate leaders to disassociate themselves from this destructive
campaign and create a U.S.-Turkey relationship based on truth and

Reaction from the attendees was mixed, with most accepting and
reading the flyers as they entered or left the function. One
Turkish attendee refused the flyer, proudly stating “my father had
killed many of your families.” Embassy staff and organizers were
clearly disturbed with the protest, which garnered extensive media
coverage from Turkish television and print journalists representing
a broad range of news agencies.

The protest coincided with the opening reception of the American
Turkish Council three-day annual conference bringing together top
U.S. and Turkish government and industry leaders, focusing on
expanding U.S. Turkey relations and commercial ties. Speakers at
the conference include Prime Minister Erdogan, Foreign Minister Gul
and other top Turkish Ministers. U.S. officials slated to speak
include the Honorable Stephen Hadley, Assistant to the President on
National Security; Matt Bryza, NSC director for the Aegean,
Caucasus and Central Asia; Eric Edelman, U.S. Ambassador to Turkey;
and Elizabeth Jones, former Assistant Secretary of State, among

The Council has consistently lobbied against successive Genocide
resolutions, using the names of top U.S. companies including
Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed-Martin and others in their advocacy
efforts. For more information about the ATC and their member
companies, visit:


NOTE TO THE EDITOR: Photos available upon request