When bases pulled out, two brigades to be formed on Georgia border

ITAR-TASS News Agency
June 6, 2005 Monday 6:49 AM Eastern Time

When bases pulled out, two brigades to be formed on Georgia border

By Yuliya Andreyeva, Alexander Konovalov


After the withdrawal of the two Russian military bases from Georgia
two light mountain infantry brigades will be formed on the
Russian-Georgian border in support of the border guards to enhance
protection from terrorist penetrations, Defense Minister Sergei
Ivanov has told a news conference.

“The decision has been made already at all levels and billions of
rubles have been allocated for the creation of the two brigades,”
Ivanov said. “The military hardware will be different and all
personnel will be serving on contract.”

About the recent talks on the withdrawal of Russian bases Ivanov said
that “we must pull out the facilities within four years, by 2008.”

“It was not Russia, who created the bases there, and from the
military standpoint they have long lost their importance,” he said.

Over four years to come Russia will withdraw 2,500 personnel, 2,500
pieces of heavy military equipment, 80,000 tonnes of ammunition,
military assets and various cargoes.

Most military hardware will be removed by sea from the port of
Batumi, but some, redeployed to the Russian military base in Armenia
(in the town of Gyumri).

“There are clear flank restrictions (under the CFE treaty) and we
shall stick to them,” Ivanov said.

The Russian defense minister said the military equipment to be
relocated to Armenia will not be handed over to the Armenian side,
but deployed at the Russian military base.

“Georgia will take over all fixed assets vacated by the Russian
military,” Ivanov said.