Azerbaijan did not take part in BSTDB meeting in Armenia

Pan Armenian News


06.06.2005 10:05

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ Azerbaijan did not take part in the recurrent meeting of
the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank in Armenia, Armenian Minister of
Economy and Finance Vardan Khachatryan stated at a press conference today.
In his words, in spite of all security guarantees being provided to the
Azerbaijani representative, the country refused to take part in the sitting.
In his turn President of the Bank Mustafa Gurtin noted that Azerbaijan is a
sovereign state and it should make decisions on participating or not in a
meeting on its own. As noted by the President, in 2006 the Bank sitting is
planned to be held in Baku. Thereupon V. Khachatryan noted that he will
represent Armenia at the meeting – of course if the Azeri party provides a
visa. It should be noted that in 2007 the Bank meeting will be held in
Moldova. The candidacy of the Azerbaijan as a chairing county in 2006 was
proposed earlier by the Bank Council and was approved the by Board of
Directors. Both the Minister and the Bank President appreciated the work
done by the meeting participants. In their words, in the course of the
sitting the Bank budget for 2005 was approved. As noted by M. Gurtin a field
for active implementation of diverse programs in Armenia was formed lately.
Thus, Armenia is the second from the end on participation in the bank –
0.38%. The top places are occupied by Russia, Turkey and Greece. In the
BSTDB President’s words, any programs may be approved by the Bank,
especially if they are of regional nature, which will promote development of
the region. In the Minister’s words, the Armenian branch of the Bank has had
a profit of $400 thousand. As M. Gurtin informed, a memorandum on
cooperation with the EU, as well as Valeta and Oval agreements totaling $500
thousand are scheduled to be signed. In V. Khachatryan’s words, the Bank
special session will discuss the matter of allocating financial means of $23
million to implement Russal program.