Kazimirov: Atkinson report limited to superficial problems

Pan Armenian News


09.06.2005 04:48

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ «I suppose that my criticism of the Council of Europe
rapporteur on Nagorno Karabakh David Atkinson was little, but he deserves
much,» stated former Co-Chair of the OSCE Minsk Group Vladimir Kazimirov,
Day.az reported. In his words, in his report Mr. Atkinson limited himself
merely to problems lying on the surface, i.e. occupation of a number of
Azeri regions and the hard destiny of the displaced persons. He did not wish
to go into the root of the problem. `Maybe he would better dig deeper and
there would have been many questions: how it all happened, why the
hostilities had not ceased for so long and the UN Security Council
resolutions were not fulfilled? There would have been no occupation and
outcomes if the conflict was solved within the legal framework by means of
political tools. The document is composed to provide a cause to Baku for
deciding the issue by force. As Armenians are either slier or more
constructive. All of these I view as incompetence of Mr. Atkinson, who did
not wish to go deeply into the essence of the conflict seriously,’ Kazimirov
emphasized. He added that one should not forget that the PACE decision is of
recommendation nature and the parties to conflict contrived not to fulfill
even UN SC compulsory resolutions. Moreover, due to a protracted
information, or rather disinformation war, the Karabakh settlement has
acquired a large number of myths, legends, false ides and new ones will
hardly change anything.