Fifty Int’l observers to monitor polls in NKR

Fifty international observers to monitor polls in Nagornyy Karabakh Republic

Arminfo, Yerevan
9 Jun 05


The election campaign in the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic [NKR] is
proceeding as normal and the electoral commissions have received no
complaints as yet, the chairman of the NKR Central Electoral
Commission, Sergey Nasibyan, has told journalists.

About 89,000 voters have been registered in the republic by now, an
Arminfo correspondent reported from Stepanakert.

One hundred seven candidates will run under the first-past-the-post
and six parties and one bloc under the proportional representation

To recap, voting will be held in 275 electoral districts and one
office will be opened in the Republic of Armenia by the NKR
representative office for citizens of Karabakh who are temporally
living in Armenia.

Transparent ballot-boxes will be used during the voting. According to
preliminary information, about 50 international observers will monitor
the elections on 19 June.