Talk on Energy Crisis in Armenia at NAASR

National Association for Armenian Studies and Research
395 Concord Avenue
Belmont, MA 02478
Phone: 617-489-1610
Fax: 617-484-1759
E-mail: [email protected]
Contact: Marc A. Mamigonian


Robert Kalantari, a nuclear energy expert who has
participated in inspections of the Medzamor plant in Armenia, will speak
at the National Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR)
Center in Belmont on Thursday evening, June 16, at 8 p.m., on “The
Energy Crisis in Armenia.”

Because reliable electricity generation is vital to
Armenia’s national security, its economic growth, and is essential to
basic needs of everyday life, the precarious state of the Republic’s
energy industry is an area of major concern, both in Armenia and in the

Important Role of Medzamor Nuclear Plant

Kalantari will analyze the energy needs of Armenia and its
current ability to generate sufficient power from various sources. His
presentation will focus on the role that Medzamor, the Armenian nuclear
power plant, plays in meeting Armenia’s requirements, and the risks
inherent in depending on this plant. He will also discuss the
challenges that Armenia faces now and will face in the near future in
maintaining its capacity to meet the nation’s growing energy needs. The
Republic of Armenia will face a dangerous situation if it does not begin
to replace its generation capacity now. The options for building new
power plants are few and will require billions of dollars. The nation
is running out of time.

Mr. Robert Kalantari has been involved with the nuclear
industry for a quarter of a century, during which he has served as the
Engineering Manager of a Boston-area consulting company and has been
responsible for many safety analysis projects for nuclear plants
throughout the world, particularly in Armenia and other former Soviet
republics. He recently participated in a mission with the International
Atomic Energy Agency to inspect the Medzamor nuclear plant in Armenia.

Special Exhibition of Photos of Genocide Memorials

In addition to the lecture, NAASR will continue to feature a special
exhibition of more than three dozen photographs of Armenian Genocide
memorials worldwide taken by renowned photographer Hrair “Hawk”
Khatcherian. The exhibit, which was featured last month at the UCLA
conference “After Nine Decades: The Enduring Legacy of the Armenian
Genocide” and subsequently at the California State House and elsewhere,
was mounted by Richard and Anne Elbrecht of Davis, CA. The Elbrechts
have loaned these impressive photographs to NAASR for a limited time

Admission to the event is free (donations appreciated). The NAASR
Bookstore will open at 7:30 p.m. The NAASR Center and Headquarters is
located opposite the First Armenian Church and next to the U.S. Post
Office. Ample parking is available around the building and in adjacent
areas. The lecture will begin promptly at 8:00 p.m.

More information about the lecture is available by calling 617-489-1610,
faxing 617-484-1759, e-mailing [email protected], or writing to NAASR, 395
Concord Ave., Belmont, MA 02478.

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Belmont, Mass.

May 30, 2005