Armenian Church Canadian Diocese Newsonline June 10, 2005

Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese
Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
Email; [email protected], [email protected]
June 10, 2005
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His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, met with
government and ecumenical guests on June 8, 2005 during a VIP Luncheon
hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Walter and Laurel Karabian. The Luncheon was
held in the Kalaydjian Hall of the Arshag and Eleanor Dickranian
Complex of the Western Diocese in Burbank.

His Holiness was accompanied by His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan
Derderian, Primate of the Western Diocese; His Eminence Archbishop
Nerses Bozabalyan of the Mother See; His Eminence Archbishop Vatche
Hovsepian, as well as several Diocesan clergy.

Mr. Richard Mushegain, Esq., former Chair of the Diocesan Council,
served as Master of Ceremonies. Mr. Walter Karabian, Esq. delivered
the opening remarks in which he welcomed His Holiness Karekin II,
Catholicos of All Armenians, to the Western Diocese. Mr. Karabian
introduced his daughter, Madeline Karabian, who in both Armenian and
English, beautifully welcomed His Holiness on behalf of her family,
and gave a perspective on the family’s personal history and
involvement within the Western Diocese.

Over 200 guests including government and religious leaders were
present during the reception. Mr. Karabian acknowledged the federal
and state government and official leaders, as well as judges in
attendance. Local government leaders were introduced by Paul
Krekorian, President of the Burbank Unified School District.

His Eminence Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Primate of the Western
Diocese, introduced the Ecumenical leaders who were present,
Rev. Fr. John Bakas, Dean of the St. Sophia Cathedral; Rev. Fr. Alexei
Smith, Director of the Ecumenical & Interreligious Office; His
Eminence Mor C. Eugene Kaplan, Archbishop of the Western Archdiocese
of the Syriac Orthodox Church; His Grace Bishop Serapion, Primate of
the Coptic Orthodox Church; Rev. Dr. Paul Lance; Dr. Michael Mata,
Claremont School of Theology; Rev. Dr. Fr. Efstathios Mylonas, Coptic
Orthodox Church; Bishop Dean Nelson, Evangelical Lutheran Church;
Rev. Fr. Justin Rose, Greek Orthodox Church; Rev. Dr. Lloyd Saatjian,
United Methodist Church; Rev. Gregory Bishay, Coptic Orthodox Church;
Albert Cohen, Southern California Ecumenical Council, Rabbi Mark
Diamond, Board of Rabbis, Rev. Fr. Gwynne Guibord, Episcopal Diocese
of LA; Rev. Mark Jauffman, Chaplain of Glendale Memorial Hospital;
Dr. Jay Johnson, Southern California United Church of Christ; Very
Rev. Josiah Trenham, Antiochan Orthodox Church; Rev. Sally Welch,
Southern California Ecumenical Council.

His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians addressed the
attendees, thanking them for their continued support of the Western
Diocese and her missions. He blessed them and conveyed to them his
love from the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin.

Government and civic leaders included Supervisor Michael Antonovich,
Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor-Elect of Los
Angeles, Mary Boger, President, BUSD; Lisa Kalustian, Chief Deputy
Director, Office of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger; Joyce Streator,
Council Member, Pasadena; Bob Yousefian, Glendale City Council; Greg
Krikorian, GUSD; Katherine Barger Leibrick, Chief Deputy to
Sup. Antonovich; Rafi Manoukian, Mayor of Glendale; Judge Ronald
Sohigian; Prof. Jonathan Kemp, Director, Davenport Institute; Peter
Abajian, Lena Kaimian and Nicole Shahian, Armenian Assembly; Randy
Adams, Glendale Chief of Police; Dennis Zine, Los Angeles City
Council; Dr. Michael Mata, Claremont School of Theology; James
Bozajian, Mayor of Calabasas; Haig Kartounian, District
Representative, Cong. Adam Schiff; Frank Quintero and Ara Najarian,
Glendale City Council; Michael Mahdessian, LA Planning Commission;
Andrew Adelman, General Manager, City of LA Dept. of Building and
Safety; Sarkis Aghazarian, Senior Building Inspector, City of LA
Dept. of Building and Safety; John Boyajian, LA Transportation
Commission; Berj Boyajian and Sarkis Kitsinian, Board Member, Mayor’s
office of International Trade; G. Steve Simonian, Chief, Bureau of
Investigations; Dr. Dean Nielsen, President, Woodbury University;
Congresswoman Lois Capps; Cindy Montanez, California State Assembly;
Laura Chick, LA City Controller; Maria Mehranian, Planning Commission,
La Canada; Linda Shahinian, Planning Commission, Culver City; Armond
Agakhani, Parks and Recreations Commission, Glendale.

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Under the auspices of, His Grace Bishop Bakrat Galsdanyan the Primate
of the Canadian Diocese of the Armenian Church, and organized by the
Pastor and Parish Council of St. Vartan Armenian Apostolic Church of
Vancouver , ‘A Mortgage Burning and Appreciation Ceremony’ was held;
on Saturday, June 04, 2005, in the Setrak Kalpakian Hall. After the
banquet dinner, the MC of the day Mr. Arto Tavukciyan, Chairman of the
Parish Council, read a brief history of the start of St. Vartan Church
and community accompanied by a slide show about community events and
members pictures since 1967.

After the remarks of the MC, Archpriest the Pastor Rev. Father Keghart
Garabedian was invited to give his remarks. Father Keghart invited
His Grace Bishop Bagrat Galstanyan to give his massage and the
blessing. After the Primate’s remarks, the MC invited Mr. Hasso
Essmailian the general contractor and the building project manager and
Mr. Onnik Isbeceryan, the major fundraise,r to be honored by the
Church for their dedication and efforts in the life of the Church.
His Grace also honored Mr. Ed Hrant Souin by the Golden Cross medal of
the Diocese, on his 70th birthday and his long and devoted service, in
the life of the Armenian Church from East to the West coast.

At the end the MC, Mr. Arto Tacukciyan invited Mr. Vahak Kurkcioglu to
join the the Primate and the Pastor in the memorable Mortgage burning

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The feast of Holy Etchmiadzin was celebrated on Sunday June 5, 2005 at
Saint Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Cathedral of Montreal. In
September 2003, then newly elected Primate of the Diocese, Bishop
Bagrat Galstanian asked the pastors to perform the Blessing of
Students on the occasion of the feast of Holy Etchmiadzin.

Very Reverend Father Ararat Kaltakjian, Vicar General, of the Canadian
Armenian Diocese, celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Serving on the Holy
Altar, were the deacons and acolytes of the Cathedral. The Komitas
choir of the Cathedral sang the Holy Badarak directed by choirmaster
Varuzhan Margaryan. Hundreds of faithful, together with the students
of AGBU the Director Mr. Robert Kechayan and the school teachers
attended the service. The participation of the students in singing the
Divine Liturgy was highly appreciated.

Following the Divine Liturgy Der Vazgen Boyajyan invited the students
to come forth and receive the blessings of Father Ararat. Around 50
students received the blessing after which Father Ararat highlighted
the importance of Armenian School in the life of our community. On
behalf of the Primate, Father Ararat congratulated the students and
wished them many successes in their future academic work.

As a concrete expression to their love towards the mother Church,
students of AGBU Armen Quebec Alex Manougian school presented, a
miniature of Saint Gregory the Illuminator Cathedral, which was made
possible by the collective work of students.

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More than 4000 people filled the Armenian Pavillion in Mississauga’s
multicultural festival ‘Carassauga’ last weekend. For the second year
in a row, St. Vartan Armenian Church of Mississauga, introduced the
Armenians and their history and culture to the Mississauga and
surrounding area communities.

Friday evening and Sunday afternoon, delegates from the Diocesan
Council meeting in nearby St. Catharines, led by Canadian Primate His
Grace Bishop Bagrat Galstanian and St. Vartan’s Parish Priest Very
Rev. Fr. Hayrik Hovhannisyan, visited the pavillion.

Saturday afternoon and evening were the busiest times, with
standing-room-only when Mississauga’s Mayor Hazel McCallion dropped by
for a visit. She was greeted by Pavillion Mayor Berge Shalvardjian,
Parish Council Chairman Vartegez Simonian, and Pavillion Chair Noush
Tahtadjian, all of Mississauga.

A three-day event, the pavillion managed to raise a substantial amount
towards St. Vartan Armenian Apostolic Church of Mississauga’s building
fund. St. Vartan is actively looking for property to house its
faithful, as it has been renting facilities since it was established
as a parish in 1990 by Canada’s previous primate, Archbishop Hovnan

The Armenian Pavillion received many favorable comments for its new
painted canvas awnings and other canvas paintings of Armenians in
traditional dress The food and beverage committee was praised for its
selection of delicious Armenian foods like lahmadjoon, kubeba,
beoregs, sarma and shish kebabs.

The dance troupe, The Armenia Folk Dance Ensemble, led by Toronto
choreographer Arpi Meras, once again amazed the crowd, with their
grace, fancy footwork and acrobatic feats. The pavillion also
featured the voice of Nersik Ispirian and his band playing popular and
well-known Armenian music. The lively music created an energetic and
welcoming ambiance for visitors who were encouraged to join volunteers
on the busy dance floor and learn Armenian dancing. It was satisfying
to see how many of them did get up and give it a zealous try.

A huge undertaking, the event depends entirely on the hard work and
enthusiasm of St. Vartan’s faithful who generously volunteer their
time and skills. There were more than 50 men, women, youth and even
children who volunteered at the Armenian Pavillion this year.

Volunteers also manned booths selling Armenian foods from Armenia
including the popular rose petal jam, Armenian artifacts like
khatchkars, paintings by a local Armenian artist, CDs and videos of
Armenian artists, and a popular cultural booth where Armenian history
and culture were explained to visitors.

Admission to the Armenian Pavillion was by passport. There were 22
pavillions participating in this year’s Carassauga. Many Armenians
from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) attended, giving their support to
St. Vartan.

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a) Junior Choir Sings at St. Vartan, Mississauga: The angelic voices
of St. Mary’s Armenian Apostolic Church Junior Choir of Toronto sang
at the last Badarak before summer break for St. Vartan Armenian
Apostolic Church faithful, Sunday, June 5. The 30 boys and girls came
by bus with their Choirmaster Lena Beylerian.

Mrs. Beylerian has been leading the Junior Choir since 1999. Karin
Simonian, daughter of St. Vartan Parish Council Chairman Vartegez
Simonian, is the sole Mississauga member of the choir. The children
sang soprano-alto and included solos.

The church was filled with more than 100 faithful. Following his
sermon, Very Rev. Fr. Hayrik Hovhannisyan blessed the parish’s five
high school graduates and presented them each with a Bible to give
them guidance as they continue their education. Grade 12 graduates
Steven Beler, Danny Hanna, Nairi Kazazian, Lara Sevadjian and Taline
Shalvardjian were wished success in their future.

Members of St. Cuthbert’s Anglican Church, Oakville, had also been
invited to attend this service. St. Vartan rents St. Cuthbert’s
facilities for its Badaraks. Regular Sunday Badaraks will resume in
September for St. Vartan parishioners.

b) A Memorable Evening: If you missed it, it’s too bad. Friday
night’s Kef Night was a terrific party with high energy dancing and
great food. Hosted by St. Vartan Armenian Church of Mississauga, the
event was held in Holy Trinity Armenian Church’s Magaros Artinian Hall
in Scarborough.

About 100 adults, children and youth enjoyed a memorable evening and
had nothing but praise for the event.

St. Vartan’s volunteers at the Armenian Pavillion at Mississauga’s
multicultural festival Carassauga were thanked by St. Vartan Parish
Council Chairman for their time and effort in making the second annual
event a success on the May 27 weekend. The Kef Night also celebrated
the fifth wedding anniversary of Pavillion Chair Noush Tahtadjian and
her husband Cyril.

The many lottery gifts were provided by High Fashion Handbags Ltd.,
J.C. Appliance Ltd., Dr. and Mrs. Cyril Tahtadjian and Mr. and
Mrs. Berge Shalvardjian. Edmond Ayvazyan of E & A Sound was the disc
jockey for the evening.

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We are pleased to offer this wonderful overnight camp, August 8 – 13,
2005 at Echo Lake, Frontenac County (approximately 50 km NW of
Kingston, Ontario.) This is a Christian-based facility consisting of
several acres of wooded property, together with sandy beach for
relaxing and swimming, a fireside area overlooking the lake and sports

Come enjoy our overnight summer youth program (open to children 8 to
14 years old), consisting of land and water sports activities, arts
and crafts, music and religious education, and wonderful snacks and
home cooked meals prepared by our In-house Chef. Our new Counselor in
Training (CIT) program provides an opportunity for young adults (15-17
years old) to develop leadership skills and friendships in the context
of Christian camping. Our capable, trained staff of counselors and
staff are sure to make the children’s experience a safe, fun and
memorable one.

The vision of Camp Ararat is to one day have our own camp facility,
where the children of our Diocese from across Canada can come together
and not only create everlasting friendships with one another, but also
where they can strengthen the bonds with the Armenian Apostolic
Church, which is an integral part of their culture and heritage. This
same facility would serve as a central location to be used for various
other Diocesan projects and activities. Come join us in realizing our
vision and making it a reality. The future of our people lies in the
eyes and hearts of our children. Let’s make it happen.