Malabo – Zurich – Moscow route to liberty

AZG Armenian Daily #108, 14/06/2005

Pilots back


The six Armenian pilots that were imprisoned in the Equatorial Guinea
and are released now, as well as ambassador of the Equatorial Guinea
in Moscow and Ara Abrahamian, Chairman of World Congress of Armenians
gave a press conference at the hall of ITAR TASS in Moscow, on June 10.

Ara Abrahamian emphasized that they managed to release the Armenia
pilots from the prison by combining their efforts only. Mr. Abrahamian
thanked perished John Paul II, Pope of Rome, the UNESCO leadership,
Russian authorities, which did their best to assist the Armenian
authorities and WCA in releasing the Armenian pilots.

Ambassador of the Equatorial Guinea said that during the last three
years Ara Abrahamian kept bothering him, so he had to deal with one
issue only. The Ambassador thanked Mr. Abrahamian and reminded that the
Chairman of WCA promised to make investments in the Equatorial Guinea.

Andranik Mihranian, representative of RA President, who also left for
Malabo told that the Armenian pilots were greatly surprised to see
the representatives of Ara Abrahamian by the edifice of the Justice
Ministry of the Equatorial Guinea.

Ashot Karapetian, captain of the plane, and other five members of
the crew thanked all the people who helped to release them from the
prison. He emphasized that they have never felt guilty and that they
are very glad that justice won.

By Hamlet Ghushchain