BAKU: Karabakh polls not to be recognized by world community – Azeri

Karabakh polls not to be recognized by world community – Azeri speaker

Trend news agency
14 Jun 05

Baku, 14 June: The parliamentary elections in the “Nagornyy Karabakh
republic”, which are due on 19 June, will not be recognized by any
international organization, Trend has quoted Parliament Speaker Murtuz
Alasgarov as saying at a session of the Milli Maclis today.

Separatists asked several international organizations to send their
observers to the “parliamentary elections”, but were refused.

“Their appeal to the Council of Europe to send representatives to
Xankandi [Stepanakert] also remained unanswered because the Council
of Europe does not recognize such a ‘republic’ and is not going
to send its representatives there. This resolute position by such
an authoritative international organization is very important for
Azerbaijan,” Alasgarov said.