Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry For Inter-Community Dialogue In NKR


BAKU. JUNE 15. ARMINFO-TURAN. Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry has come
out with a statement in connection with the parliamentary elections
in NKR on June 19. “Elections in conditions of territorial seizure
and ethnic purge contradict to the norms and principles of the
International Law and the Constitution of the Azerbaijani Republic
and have no juridical force,” says the document.

Such acts of the Armenian party do not meet the spirit of the
negotiation process, wherein hopes for positive trends have recently
occurred, the statement says. No durable peace can be achieved without
normalization of the life and peaceful co-existence and cooperation of
the Azerbaijani and Armenian communities of Nagorny Karabakh region
of AR. In this connection the Azerbaijani party supports the calls
of the international community for establishment of direct contacts
between the communities and complex trust measures to overcome enmity,
to achieve stability and mutual understanding, the ministry says. “Such
inter-community dialogue will create necessary preconditions for
involvement of the population sections of the region into the legal
peaceful and democratic process, including formation of legitimate
regional authorities of all the levels,” says the Azerbaijani Foreign